Kids 05-20-08

Erica has started to be much more aware of other people. She has started doing things to help me, especially, often without being asked. I was sick yesterday (it's been going through the whole family) and so Erica, without being asked, got lunch out for everyone. She also tries to help the other kids by giving them pictures she draws. This works reasonably well with them when they are in decent moods, but today Cambria was upset and Erica tried giving her a picture. I watched her chase a screaming Cambria around the kitchen for a good 20 seconds before she gave up trying to give her the picture. Erica is sure a sweet girl and very thoughtful. She brought me a picture today and on the back it says "I love you. You love me. You're the very best mom for me." Makes me so thankful to be her mother!

Isaac has successfully learned to use a mouse on the computer, as well as type his own name. He plays games on the Sesame Street website and is rather proud that he can log in to his own account, start up the games, as well as log back out of his account, all without any help. And just today, he asked me "Mom, how we spell Isaac?" I said "How do we spell Isaac, son?" His reply? "Hmm... C.... A-A..... S..... then what, Mom? Oh - I!" I'm not sure how I feel about him spelling his name backwards! Sure threw me for a loop!

Cambria has started to jabber a lot. I'm certain she thinks she is talking just as effectively as the rest of us, though we still seldom know what she is saying. Her most entertaining "talking" is her "knock-knock" joke. She says "nah-nah". "Who's there?" "buh" "Buh who?" "ma-bla-wa-na-na" giggle, giggle, giggle. It's rather amusing and very adorable. She also sings "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" ("EI-IO") and "A-B-Cs". And if you want to see something entertaining all you need to do is ask Cambria something she'll answer yes to - she "nods" by bouncing her entire body up and down. As close to a head-shake as she can get!