So I've been hearing all about this thing called YouTube lately, mostly from conversations at my parents' house (conversations I listened politely to as I had NO idea what they were talking about - yes, I live a sheltered life). However, I recently received a link in an email to a hilarious version of the William Tell Overture (if you don't know the song you'll recognize it when you hear it). Take a look here. It's worth the few minutes of your time to get a good laugh. Funniest for sure for moms, but as we all have mothers I think everyone will enjoy it.
So, for my brief foray into the world of YouTube, I guess I'll say it's interesting, though I'm still not sure I see the purpose of it. But there are really a lot of things I don't see the purpose of that the rest of the world seems to really enjoy. Chalk it up to me being a little strange. And I'm ok with that.