Baked Chicken Cheese Enchiladas

These were ok, but not wonderful. They gave me a touch of heartburn which is always a bummer. Isaac ate his and Erica ate most of hers, but Cambria only picked at her plate. Kimball said it was pretty good, especially the corn tortillas which he says he normally doesn't like. Unfortunately (because this means I'll be eating enchiladas every day for a week), even though I didn't make the full recipe, we still have a ton of leftovers. The fresh corn on the cob was the saving grace of the meal. :)


Modifications to the enchilada recipe: I used ten 6.5" corn tortillas instead of twelve 8" (because my new tortilla press is 6.5" not 8"), and I halved the rest of the ingredients. I may have had a touch more chicken than a cup, but it was pretty close. As always, I used low-fat cream cheese and low-fat sour cream instead of the regular stuff. I baked at 350 instead of the 325 it calls for only because I didn't notice it said 325. :)

tortillas in the warmer

The corn tortilla recipe was wonderful, especially the instructions. (You can read about my tortilla making experience here.) I probably added close to 1/2 cup extra hot water.