Tonight’s dinner was a repeat from several months ago. I liked it so much we had it again. Also, it leaves potato peels which I love to season and bake as a side dish (that the kids don’t really like but I love and Kimball likes). So we had it again and Kimball took some pictures for me. The recipe calls for 2% milk but I used skim. I used regular medium cheddar cheese instead of the reduced fat extra sharp cheddar. However, if I had extra sharp cheese I would have used it – I think it would taste very good with this soup. The only other variance is that it took my flour/milk mixture more like 20 minutes to thicken and bubble, instead of the 8 minutes the recipe claims. Maybe if I warmed the milk in the microwave before adding it to the flour it would take less time.
Responses from the kids: Isaac ate his, Erica ate hers and said she loved it, and Cambria ate more than I did! Another success – two nights in a row is pretty good for our house. 🙂